The Outlook Supply Chain Summit took place at the beginning of the month in Chicago, USA, and reunited the top leaders in logistics, packaging and transportation companies operating all over the world. Keynote speaker of the event was Steven Melnyk, Professor of Operations & Supply Chain Management at Michigan State University.
Towards an Integrated World of Logistics
The main topics of the summit were focused on the need for more innovation and integration in the logistics, packaging and transportation activities, leading to smoother operations, improved scalability of supply chain activities and, ultimately, a greener world. The speakers also approached the ever important issue of optimizing logistic costs, through innovative packaging and shipping solutions.
The Outlook Supply Chain Summit is yet another top level business event which highlights the importance of professional packaging solutions in a global economy. Goods are shipped all over the world, not just from supplier to end client, but also among various manufacturing facilities and central warehouses. As the level of competition among top players in the industry becomes more elevated, the need for practical, cost-saving and space-saving packages becomes even more acute.
Packaging Solutions of the Future: Lean, Green, and Innovative
The top priority for CEOs and logistic managers is to improve the supply chain flow within their organizations and in the relations with their suppliers and clients. Innovation was the keyword of the summit, with all attendants agreeing on the need to pay more attention to research and development, investing more in new technologies, recyclable materials and lean operations with a reduced impact on the environment.
Through our continued efforts, Logistic Packaging is constantly working to keep up with the latest technologies and packaging solutions. We listen to our customers and try to solve their problems applying the most efficient solutions. In this way, we become a part of the innovative world, bringing modern logistic solutions to an ever complicated business world.