Environmental protection is no longer a special achievement that companies would list in their mission statements. It is now a basic prerequisite if you are doing business at a large or small scale. The end customers and corporate clients have become environmental activists by choosing to work with companies which take their responsibility seriously and do everything in their powers to reduce pollution and the impact of their operations on the environment.
One of The Largest Sources of Pollution: Packaging Materials
Every plastic bag or cardboard box thrown away is a pollutant for the environment. And the scale of pollution grows proportionally to the size and quantity of discarded packages. Large boxes and containers, pallets, separators and dividers which are commonly used for long haul transportation and storage of every type of goods, from food, to clothes and to electronics and automotive parts are only making the situation worse.
This is why the packaging industry had to rethink the entire way of thinking in designing and manufacturing its products. Eco friendly packaging solutions have become a standard item in any kind of product catalog, and are continually improved and diversified.
Introducing the New Concept of Eco Friendly Packaging Products
There are two ways in which professional packaging companies such as Logistic Packaging contribute to a cleaner, greener world:
- Through packaging materials made of recycled materials
- Through packages which are 100% recyclable
Beside these two basic requirements, there is also a new concept of reliable and eco friendly packaging solutions which help our clients reduce their impact on the environment. This concept starts with the design, continues with selecting the best materials and ends with the manufacturing technologies; thus, we create solid, dependable packages with an extended useful life.
One such example is our Ecopack range – foldable plastic containers made of virgin materials which are 100% recyclable – and a selection of large containers and plastic pallets which are made of recycled materials.
And the latest trends at the top level of the packaging industry show that eco friendly packages will start replacing the old types of products until we reach the level where we produce 0 wastes from packages and use every material and resource efficiently and responsibly.
For Logistic Packaging this is the only possible business philosophy for the future – because caring for the world we live in is not just a persuasive motto, but a reality we try to implement every day in everything we do.